
Player wishes to take up the goblin

If a player wishes to take up the goblin engineering trade skill specialization, he must have at least a 200 skill in engineering and his character level must be 30 or higher. The character must also have been referred to one of a master engineer trainer to complete his skill level level.
Horde and Alliance players who want to be goblin engineers in World of Warcraft must head Gadgetzan in Tanaris. The perspective goblin engineer must then seek out and speak to Nixx Rocketspring, who will give the character the goblin engineering quest.
After talking to Nixx, the candidate will be asked to sign a pledge of secrecy. Once the player returns the signed document to Buy World Of Warcraft Gold, he will then be given be asked to show his work by handing in a series of items to prove the player's talent as an engineer.

