
A new game

Today, the incubator is announcing its first two investments, having invested a “7-digit” euros sum in mobile game discovery and marketing companies AppLift and HitFox App Discovery GmbH (Game Finder).

Former HitFox managers Kaya Taner and Xavier Rezgui co-founded the businesses and will run them as managing directors, so in my mind they’re more like HitFox spin-offs than anything else.

Anyhoo. AppLift will operate a global affiliate network focused exclusively on mobile games from publishers like Gameloft, Kabam, TinyCo and 6waves.

HitFox App Discovery GmbH will cover the user side of the equation with Game Finder. The app will essentially serve as a sort of ‘quality filter’ so users can find the best games among the tens of thousands you can currently find on Apple’s App Store and other mobile app stores.The generation of each new game, how many games like runescape games that long history, if you need rs gold, please pay attention to us: http://www.buyingrs.com/Runescape.gold

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