
Spotify future changes in your decision

If you're a fan of Spotify, you may want to know the popular music streaming service may shake up its format. The service previously only available as a desktop and mobile application will be introduced as a browser-based version, according to TechCrunch.

By moving to the web, Spotify will focus more on discovery; so not only can you track what your friends are listening to, you can follow the listening habits of influencers. Currently, Spotify lets users subscribe to non-friends' playlists, but they can't tell whose recommendations to trust. What may be coming is a list that suggests people to follow, along with playlists shared by celebrities and DJs.

In addition, Spotify's mobile app might come with a lower subscription price, says one source. Currently, it costs $10 monthly to get an ad-free version of the service along with mobile access. To get more people listening to Spotify on their smartphones, one source says, Spotify is considering dropping that rate to around $8 a month -- although this is unconfirmed.

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