
World of warcraft Blizzard's attitude

Over on the OwnedCore forum, users claim the wow gold watermark reveals user IDs, a timestamp, and IP address of the server used. The artifacts were noticed when the images were sharpened, and a pattern embedded in the shot appeared, and it seems this has been going on since “at least 2008. ”

PCGamer offered a possible explanation: “the watermark could be used to track down players who are running private servers, or otherwise breaking the terms of service, and have been silly enough to take a picture of their infringing activity. ”The site also said to avoid such watermarking, use a third-party program to chronicle your deeds in-game, or set the in-game shot option to the “highest possible quality” at it will remove the watermark.

Blizzard has yet to confirm or comment on the matter as of press time. Not surprising, really. Blizzard likes their corporate security. One of the things that turned me off of Wow is warden, and warden’s unannounced rummaging through your computer is borderline illegal (it’s a massive grey area, at best). Oh, and then there’s that whole Starcraft II debacle, what with wanting to buy wow gold own all the mods and all. Which lead to some truly embarrassing craziness on their part with that whole World of Starcraft fiasco.

