
Watermark event for Blizzard

Anyone still playing Blizzards highly successful MMORPG World of warcraft? Then you are probably used to Blizzard’s Warden client running all the time in the wow gold background and do not mind it. A forum user over at the Owned Core found out that Blizzard appears to have added a another way to track WOW users in the game. According to the information, screenshots taken with World of Warcraft’s internal screenshot tool are watermarked automatically.

The watermarks contain account and realm information, including the IP address of the realm the screenshot was taken on, the characters’ account ID and name, and the time the screenshot was taken. Third parties may also be able to use the information to their advantage, for instance by trying to brute force their way in using known account names and common passwords.

Some readers of the guide first suggested that the patterns could be random artifacts, but that was refuted quickly as random artifacts do not produce account IDs. The thread contains links to tools that anyone can use to buy wow gold reveal the account ID and other information stored in the watermark.

